Monday, November 3, 2014

4. Campus Commons Pond

      After leaving Graham and also finishing all my morning classes the campus commons is my next favorite destination to get my homework done for the day. The campus commons of UNCW has three pond-drainage areas that, to myself, make the area very pleasing to the eye. As you can see below, the ponds are all relatively close to each other so if someone is sitting around one of the ponds they may be able to see the other two at the same time. There is one pond in front of the amphitheater, one pond in front of the bell tower, and one beside Chancellor's Walk.

         All of the ponds have fountains in the middle of them which make it look very nice. These ponds were added to be visually pleasing but also for a purpose other than relaxing by them. As most know who live here, when it rains it pours in Wilmington and the campus has issues with flooding. To help with the flooding issue around the campus commons these ponds were added for drainage purposes. From what I have experienced they do seem to help because I have not seen excessive flooding on this part of campus where other areas I have seen and walked through such flooding.


          For myself, the pond in front of the bell tower is my perfect relaxation spot to either nap or more importantly do homework while enjoying the outdoors. I have an ENO, a portable hammock (pictured above), which easily attaches to two trees in front of this pond. On sunny days, the ones I prefer to go out on, the trees around the pond give just enough shade not to be sweating over your homework. If I do not have a lot of homework that day, I can lay back and take a nap usually without the worry of anyone bothering me or my belongings because for myself the campus feels like a safe place. The campus police or at least an emergency box is in close proximity whenever one may need it.

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